Composable Queries
Definition of Composable Queries
Composable methods are those you can chain to build the desired functionality out of smaller parts. By passing functions as parameters, you can generate higher-order query operations. Therefore, a composable query means you can do logics to compose just one database-SQL-query from multiple queryables. By using composable queries you can shorten the Database transactions and keep the connection open a minimum of time.
One common anti-pattern is a trial to solve all the problems in the world by a single code. So when you use this kind of feature to achieve "common logics", keep the software's maintainability in mind. One solution is to add a database view and query that from SQLProvider.
Generate composable queries by using Linq IQueryable
With composable queries, you can combine two queries in multiple ways, and one query can be used as the building block for the other query. To see how this works, let's look at a simple query:
let query1 =
query {
for customers in ctx.Main.Customers do
where (customers.ContactTitle = "USA")
select (customers)}
The variable that is returned from the query is sometimes called a computation. If you write to evaluate
(e.g. a foreach loop or |> Seq.toList
) and display the address field from the customers returned by this
computation, you see the following output:
GREAL|Great Lakes Food Market|Howard Snyder|Marketing Manager|2732 Baker Blvd.|Eugene|OR|97403|USA|(503) 555-7555|
HUNGC|Hungry Coyote Import Store|Yoshi Latimer|Sales Representative|City Center Plaza 516 Main St.|Elgin|OR|97827|USA|(503) 555-6874|(503) 555-2376
TRAIH|Trail's Head Gourmet Provisioners|Helvetius Nagy|Sales Associate|722 DaVinci Blvd.|Kirkland|WA|98034|USA|(206) 555-8257|(206) 555-2174
WHITC|White Clover Markets|Karl Jablonski|Owner|305 - 14th Ave. S. Suite 3B|Seattle|WA|98128|USA|(206) 555-4112|(206) 555-4115
You can now write a second query against the result of this query:
let query2 =
query {
for customers in query1 do
where (customers.CompanyName = "The Big Cheese")
select customers}
|> Seq.toArray
Notice that the last word in the first line of this query is the computation returned from the previous query. This second query produces the following output:
THEBI|The Big Cheese|Liz Nixon|Marketing Manager|89 Jefferson Way Suite 2|Portland|OR|97201|USA|(503) 555-3612|
SQLProvider to Objects queries are composable because they operate on and usually return variables of type IQueryable<T>
In other words, SQLProvider queries typically follow this pattern:
let (qry:IQueryable<'T>) =
query {
//for is like C# foreach
for x in (xs:IQueryable<'T>) do
select x
This is a simple mechanism to understand, but it yields powerful results. It allows you to take complex problems, break them into manageable pieces, and solve them with code that is easy to understand and easy to maintain.
Generate composable queries by using .NET LINQ functions with IQueryable.
The difference between IEnumerable and IQueryable is basically that IEnumerable is executed in the IL while IQueryable can be translated as an expression tree to some other context (like a database query). They are both lazy by nature, meaning they aren't evaluated until you enumerate the results.
Here is an example:
First, you have to add .NET LINQ:
open System.Linq
Then, you can define a composable query outside the main query
type CustomersEntity = sql.dataContext.``main.CustomersEntity``
let companyNameFilter inUse =
let myFilter2 : IQueryable<CustomersEntity> -> IQueryable<CustomersEntity> = fun x -> x.Where(fun i -> i.CustomerId = "ALFKI")
let queryable:(IQueryable<CustomersEntity> -> IQueryable<CustomersEntity>) =
match inUse with
|true ->
(fun iq -> iq.Where(fun (c:CustomersEntity) -> c.CompanyName = "The Big Cheese"))
|false ->
(Let's assume that your inUse parameter is some complex data: E.g. Your sub-queries would come from other functions. Basic booleans you can just include to your where-clause)
Then, you can create the main query
let query1 =
query {
for customers in ctx.Main.Customers do
where (customers.ContactTitle = "USA")
select (customers)}
and now call you are able to call the second query like this
let res = companyNameFilter true query1 |> Seq.toArray
Generate composable queries by using FSharp.Linq.ComposableQuery
The SQLProvider also supports composable queries by integrating the following library FSharpLinqComposableQuery. You can read more about that library here: FSharp.Linq.ComposableQuery
Because it is implemented in the SQLProvider, you don't need to add FSharpComposableQuery in your script.
Example for using FSharpComposableQuery
let qry1 =
query { for u in dbContext.Users do
select (u.Id, u.Name, u.Email)
let qry2 =
query { for c in dbContext.Cars do
select (c.UserId, c.Brand, c.Year)
query { for (i,n,e) in qry1 do
join (u,b,y) in qry2 on (i = u)
where (y > 2015)
select (i,n,e,u,b,y)
} |> Seq.toArray
Nested Select Where Queries
You can create a query like SELECT * FROM xs WHERE xs.x IN (SELECT y FROM ys))
with either LINQ Contains or custom operators: in |=|
and not-in |<>|
This is done by not saying |> Seq.toArray
to the first query:
open System.Linq
let nestedQueryTest =
let qry1 = query {
for emp in ctx.Hr.Employees do
where (emp.FirstName.StartsWith("S"))
select (emp.FirstName)
query {
for emp in ctx.Hr.Employees do
where (qry1.Contains(emp.FirstName))
select (emp.FirstName, emp.LastName)
} |> Seq.toArray
Using non-strongly-typed __.GetColumn "name"
All the entities inherit from SqlEntity which has GetColumn-method. So you can use non-strongly-typed columns like this:
let qry =
query {
for x in query1 do
where ((x.GetColumn<string> "CustomerId") = "ALFKI")
select (x.GetColumn<string> "CustomerId")
} |> Seq.head
However, this is not recommended as one of the SQLProvider's key benefits is strong typing.
Generate composable queries from quotations
You can also construct composable queries using the F# quotation mechanism. For example, if you need to select a filter function at runtime, you could write the filters as quotations, and then include them in a query like this:
let johnFilter = <@ fun (employee : sql.dataContext.``main.EmployeesEntity``) -> employee.FirstName = "John" @>
let pamFilter = <@ fun (employee : sql.dataContext.``main.EmployeesEntity``) -> employee.FirstName = "Pam" @>
let runtimeSelectedFilter = if 1 = 1 then johnFilter else pamFilter
let employees =
query {
for emp in ctx.Main.Employees do
where ((%runtimeSelectedFilter) emp)
select emp
} |> Seq.toArray
Quotations are AST representations that the Linq-to-SQL translator can use.
type LiteralAttribute = inherit Attribute new: unit -> LiteralAttribute
new: unit -> LiteralAttribute
namespace FSharp
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp.Data
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
<summary>Typed representation of a database</summary> <param name='ConnectionString'>The connection string for the SQL database</param> <param name='ConnectionStringName'>The connection string name to select from a configuration file</param> <param name='DatabaseVendor'> The target database vendor</param> <param name='IndividualsAmount'>The amount of sample entities to project into the type system for each SQL entity type. Default 50. Note GDPR/PII regulations if using individuals with ContextSchemaPath.</param> <param name='UseOptionTypes'>If set, F# option types will be used in place of nullable database columns. If not, you will always receive the default value of the column's type even if it is null in the database.</param> <param name='ResolutionPath'>The location to look for dynamically loaded assemblies containing database vendor specific connections and custom types. Types used in desing-time: If no better clue, prefer .NET Standard 2.0 versions. Semicolon to separate multiple.</param> <param name='Owner'>Oracle: The owner of the schema for this provider to resolve. PostgreSQL: A list of schemas to resolve, separated by spaces, newlines, commas, or semicolons.</param> <param name='CaseSensitivityChange'>Should we do ToUpper or ToLower when generating table names?</param> <param name='TableNames'>Comma separated table names list to limit a number of tables in big instances. The names can have '%' sign to handle it as in the 'LIKE' query (Oracle and MSSQL Only)</param> <param name='ContextSchemaPath'>The location of the context schema previously saved with SaveContextSchema. When not empty, will be used to populate the database schema instead of retrieving it from then database.</param> <param name='OdbcQuote'>Odbc quote characters: Quote characters for the table and column names: `alias`, [alias]</param> <param name='SQLiteLibrary'>Use System.Data.SQLite or Mono.Data.SQLite or select automatically (SQLite only)</param> <param name='SsdtPath'>A path to an SSDT .dacpac file.'</param>
<summary> .NET Framework default </summary>
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(selectOperations: SelectOperations) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='selectOperations'>Execute select-clause operations in SQL database rather than .NET-side.</param>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(commandTimeout: int) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='commandTimeout'>SQL command timeout. Maximum time for single SQL-command in seconds.</param>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(transactionOptions: Transactions.TransactionOptions) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='transactionOptions'>TransactionOptions for the transaction created on SubmitChanges.</param>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string, selectOperations: SelectOperations) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param><param name='selectOperations'>Execute select-clause operations in SQL database rather than .NET-side.</param>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(transactionOptions: Transactions.TransactionOptions, commandTimeout: int) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='transactionOptions'>TransactionOptions for the transaction created on SubmitChanges.</param><param name='commandTimeout'>SQL command timeout. Maximum time for single SQL-command in seconds.</param>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string, commandTimeout: int) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param><param name='commandTimeout'>SQL command timeout. Maximum time for single SQL-command in seconds.</param>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string, transactionOptions: Transactions.TransactionOptions) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param><param name='transactionOptions'>TransactionOptions for the transaction created on SubmitChanges.</param>
(+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string, resolutionPath: string) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param><param name='resolutionPath'>The location to look for dynamically loaded assemblies containing database vendor specific connections and custom types. Types used in desing-time: If no better clue, prefer .NET Standard 2.0 versions. Semicolon to separate multiple.</param>
(+0 other overloads)
<summary> The table Customers belonging to schema main</summary>
<summary>ContactTitle: nvarchar(30)</summary>
<summary>CompanyName: nvarchar(40)</summary>
module Seq from FSharp.Data.Sql
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
type IQueryable = inherit IEnumerable member ElementType: Type member Expression: Expression member Provider: IQueryProvider
<summary>Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source wherein the type of the data is not specified.</summary>
type IQueryable<'T> = inherit IEnumerable<'T> inherit IEnumerable inherit IQueryable
<summary>Provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific data source wherein the type of the data is known.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The type of the data in the data source.</typeparam>
Use dataContext to explore database schema and querying data. It will carry database-connection and possible modifications within transaction, that you can commit via SubmitUpdates.
(extension) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Where<'TSource>(predicate: System.Func<'TSource,int,bool>) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'TSource>
(extension) IQueryable.Where<'TSource>(predicate: Expressions.Expression<System.Func<'TSource,bool>>) : IQueryable<'TSource>
(extension) IQueryable.Where<'TSource>(predicate: Expressions.Expression<System.Func<'TSource,int,bool>>) : IQueryable<'TSource>
<summary>CustomerID: nchar(5)</summary>
(extension) IQueryable.Contains<'TSource>(item: 'TSource) : bool
(extension) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Contains<'TSource>(value: 'TSource, comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<'TSource>) : bool
(extension) IQueryable.Contains<'TSource>(item: 'TSource, comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<'TSource>) : bool
val string: value: 'T -> string
type string = System.String
<summary>FirstName: nvarchar(10)</summary>
<summary> The table Employees belonging to schema main</summary>