
Asynchronous Database Operation

You get more performance by concurrency. The idea of async database operations is to release the business logics thread while the database is doing its job. This can lead to a huge performance difference in a heavy traffic environment (basically, will your business logics server / web-server crash or not).

In the picture, we talk about the red block, which can be released to serve other customers. As usual with async operations, there will be more thread context switching, which may cause minor performance delays, but concurrency benefits should outweigh the cons of context switching.

This is the theory. In practice, SQLProvider is calling the implementation of async methods from abstract classes under System.Data.Common. The implementation quality of your database connection .NET drivers will determine whether or not async is good for you. (E.g. The current situation is that MS-SQL-server handles async well, and MySQL does not so.)

Currently, SQLProvider supports async operations on runtime, not design-time.

Your execution thread may change. For transactions to support this, .NET 4.5.1 has a fix for asynchronous transactions that must be explicitly used.

Async queries and updates

The concept for async queries is this:

open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open FSharp.Data.Sql

type MyWebServer() = 
    member __.``Execute Business Logics`` (id : Guid) : Task<_> = 
        async {
            use transaction = 
                new System.Transactions.TransactionScope(
                // .NET 4.5.1 fix for asynchronous transactions:
            let context = TypeProviderConnection.GetDataContext cstr
            let! fetched =
                query {
                    for  t2 in context.MyDataBase.MyTable2 do
                    join t1 in context.MyDataBase.MyTable1 on (t2.ForeignId = t1.Id)
                    where (t2.Id = id)
                    select (t1)
                } |> Seq.executeQueryAsync

            fetched |> Seq.iter (fun entity ->
                entity.SetColumn("Updated", DateTime.UtcNow |> box)
            do! context.SubmitUpdatesAsync()

            return "done!"
        } |> Async.StartAsTask

The functions to work with asynchrony are:

Seq is .NET IEnumerable, which is lazy. So be careful if using Seq.executeQueryAsync to not execute your queries several times.

Also, stored procedures do support InvokeAsync.

Database asynchrony can't be used as a way to do parallelism inside one context.

Usually, database operations can't be executed in parallel inside one context/transaction. That is an anti-pattern in general: the network lag between the database and your logics server is probably the bottleneck of your system. So, in this order:

  1. Try to execute your business logics as database queries, as one big query.
  2. Or sometimes, not often, load eagerly data with a single query and process it in the logics server.
  3. Avoid cases in which you create as many queries as your collection has items.

So if you are still in the worst case, 3, and have to deal with a List>, you cannot say Async.Parallel as that may corrupt your data. To avoid custom imperative while-loops, we have provided a little helper function for you, that is List.evaluateOneByOne.

Avoid network traffic between business logics (BL) and database (DB). When you exit the query-computation, you cause the traffic.

Why Not to Use Async

As with all the technical choices, there are drawbacks to consider.

Multiple items
type LiteralAttribute = inherit Attribute new: unit -> LiteralAttribute

new: unit -> LiteralAttribute
[<Literal>] val resolutionPath: string = "C:\git\SQLProvider\docs\content\core/../../files/sqlite"
[<Literal>] val connectionString: string = "Data Source=C:\git\SQLProvider\docs\content\core\..\northwindEF.db;Version=3;Read Only=false;FailIfMissing=True;"
val cstr: string
Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Multiple items
namespace FSharp.Data

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
namespace FSharp.Data.Sql
type TypeProviderConnection = SqlDataProvider<...>
type SqlDataProvider
<summary>Typed representation of a database</summary> <param name='ConnectionString'>The connection string for the SQL database</param> <param name='ConnectionStringName'>The connection string name to select from a configuration file</param> <param name='DatabaseVendor'> The target database vendor</param> <param name='IndividualsAmount'>The amount of sample entities to project into the type system for each SQL entity type. Default 50. Note GDPR/PII regulations if using individuals with ContextSchemaPath.</param> <param name='UseOptionTypes'>If set, F# option types will be used in place of nullable database columns. If not, you will always receive the default value of the column's type even if it is null in the database.</param> <param name='ResolutionPath'>The location to look for dynamically loaded assemblies containing database vendor specific connections and custom types. Types used in desing-time: If no better clue, prefer .NET Standard 2.0 versions. Semicolon to separate multiple.</param> <param name='Owner'>Oracle: The owner of the schema for this provider to resolve. PostgreSQL: A list of schemas to resolve, separated by spaces, newlines, commas, or semicolons.</param> <param name='CaseSensitivityChange'>Should we do ToUpper or ToLower when generating table names?</param> <param name='TableNames'>Comma separated table names list to limit a number of tables in big instances. The names can have '%' sign to handle it as in the 'LIKE' query (Oracle and MSSQL Only)</param> <param name='ContextSchemaPath'>The location of the context schema previously saved with SaveContextSchema. When not empty, will be used to populate the database schema instead of retrieving it from then database.</param> <param name='OdbcQuote'>Odbc quote characters: Quote characters for the table and column names: `alias`, [alias]</param> <param name='SQLiteLibrary'>Use System.Data.SQLite or Mono.Data.SQLite or select automatically (SQLite only)</param> <param name='SsdtPath'>A path to an SSDT .dacpac file.'</param>
namespace FSharp.Data.Sql.Common
[<Struct>] type DatabaseProviderTypes = | MSSQLSERVER = 0 | SQLITE = 1 | POSTGRESQL = 2 | MYSQL = 3 | ORACLE = 4 | MSACCESS = 5 | ODBC = 6 | FIREBIRD = 7 | MSSQLSERVER_DYNAMIC = 8 | MSSQLSERVER_SSDT = 9 | DUCKDB = 10
Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.SQLITE: Common.DatabaseProviderTypes = 1
[<Struct>] type NullableColumnType = | NO_OPTION = 0 | OPTION = 1 | VALUE_OPTION = 2
Common.NullableColumnType.OPTION: Common.NullableColumnType = 1
<summary> Option types are Option&lt;_&gt;. (Old true.) </summary>
[<Struct>] type CaseSensitivityChange = | ORIGINAL = 0 | TOUPPER = 1 | TOLOWER = 2
Common.CaseSensitivityChange.ORIGINAL: Common.CaseSensitivityChange = 0
[<Struct>] type SQLiteLibrary = | SystemDataSQLite = 0 | MonoDataSQLite = 1 | AutoSelect = 2 | MicrosoftDataSqlite = 3
Common.SQLiteLibrary.SystemDataSQLite: Common.SQLiteLibrary = 0
namespace System
namespace System.Threading
namespace System.Threading.Tasks
Multiple items
type MyWebServer = new: unit -> MyWebServer member ``Execute Business Logics`` : id: Guid -> Task<string>

new: unit -> MyWebServer
val id: Guid
Multiple items
[<Struct>] type Guid = new: b: byte array -> unit + 6 overloads member CompareTo: value: Guid -> int + 1 overload member Equals: g: Guid -> bool + 1 overload member GetHashCode: unit -> int member ToByteArray: unit -> byte array + 1 overload member ToString: unit -> string + 2 overloads member TryFormat: utf8Destination: Span<byte> * bytesWritten: byref<int> * ?format: ReadOnlySpan<char> -> bool + 1 overload member TryWriteBytes: destination: Span<byte> -> bool + 1 overload static member (<) : left: Guid * right: Guid -> bool static member (<=) : left: Guid * right: Guid -> bool ...
<summary>Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID).</summary>

Guid ()
Guid(b: byte array) : Guid
Guid(b: ReadOnlySpan<byte>) : Guid
Guid(g: string) : Guid
Guid(b: ReadOnlySpan<byte>, bigEndian: bool) : Guid
Guid(a: int, b: int16, c: int16, d: byte array) : Guid
Guid(a: int, b: int16, c: int16, d: byte, e: byte, f: byte, g: byte, h: byte, i: byte, j: byte, k: byte) : Guid
Guid(a: uint32, b: uint16, c: uint16, d: byte, e: byte, f: byte, g: byte, h: byte, i: byte, j: byte, k: byte) : Guid
Multiple items
type Task = interface IAsyncResult interface IDisposable new: action: Action -> unit + 7 overloads member ConfigureAwait: continueOnCapturedContext: bool -> ConfiguredTaskAwaitable + 1 overload member ContinueWith: continuationAction: Action<Task,obj> * state: obj -> Task + 19 overloads member Dispose: unit -> unit member GetAwaiter: unit -> TaskAwaiter member RunSynchronously: unit -> unit + 1 overload member Start: unit -> unit + 1 overload member Wait: unit -> unit + 5 overloads ...
<summary>Represents an asynchronous operation.</summary>

type Task<'TResult> = inherit Task new: ``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult> * state: obj -> unit + 7 overloads member ConfigureAwait: continueOnCapturedContext: bool -> ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<'TResult> + 1 overload member ContinueWith: continuationAction: Action<Task<'TResult>,obj> * state: obj -> Task + 19 overloads member GetAwaiter: unit -> TaskAwaiter<'TResult> member WaitAsync: cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> Task<'TResult> + 4 overloads member Result: 'TResult static member Factory: TaskFactory<'TResult>
<summary>Represents an asynchronous operation that can return a value.</summary>
<typeparam name="TResult">The type of the result produced by this <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1" />.</typeparam>

Task(action: Action) : Task
Task(action: Action, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task
Task(action: Action, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task
Task(action: Action<obj>, state: obj) : Task
Task(action: Action, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task
Task(action: Action<obj>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task
Task(action: Action<obj>, state: obj, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task
Task(action: Action<obj>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task

Task(``function`` : Func<'TResult>) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<'TResult>, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<'TResult>, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<'TResult>, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
Task(``function`` : Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
val async: AsyncBuilder
val transaction: Transactions.TransactionScope
namespace System.Transactions
Multiple items
type TransactionScope = interface IDisposable new: unit -> unit + 13 overloads member Complete: unit -> unit member Dispose: unit -> unit
<summary>Makes a code block transactional. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>

Transactions.TransactionScope() : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(transactionToUse: Transactions.Transaction) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(asyncFlowOption: Transactions.TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(scopeOption: Transactions.TransactionScopeOption) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(transactionToUse: Transactions.Transaction, scopeTimeout: TimeSpan) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(transactionToUse: Transactions.Transaction, asyncFlowOption: Transactions.TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(scopeOption: Transactions.TransactionScopeOption, scopeTimeout: TimeSpan) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(scopeOption: Transactions.TransactionScopeOption, transactionOptions: Transactions.TransactionOptions) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(scopeOption: Transactions.TransactionScopeOption, asyncFlowOption: Transactions.TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
Transactions.TransactionScope(transactionToUse: Transactions.Transaction, scopeTimeout: TimeSpan, interopOption: Transactions.EnterpriseServicesInteropOption) : Transactions.TransactionScope
   (+0 other overloads)
[<Struct>] type TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption = | Suppress = 0 | Enabled = 1
<summary>Specifies whether transaction flow across thread continuations is enabled for <see cref="T:System.Transactions.TransactionScope" />.</summary>
field Transactions.TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled: Transactions.TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption = 1
<summary>Specifies that transaction flow across thread continuations is enabled.</summary>
val context: SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext() : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(selectOperations: SelectOperations) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='selectOperations'>Execute select-clause operations in SQL database rather than .NET-side.</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(commandTimeout: int) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='commandTimeout'>SQL command timeout. Maximum time for single SQL-command in seconds.</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(transactionOptions: Transactions.TransactionOptions) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='transactionOptions'>TransactionOptions for the transaction created on SubmitChanges.</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string, selectOperations: SelectOperations) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param><param name='selectOperations'>Execute select-clause operations in SQL database rather than .NET-side.</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(transactionOptions: Transactions.TransactionOptions, commandTimeout: int) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='transactionOptions'>TransactionOptions for the transaction created on SubmitChanges.</param><param name='commandTimeout'>SQL command timeout. Maximum time for single SQL-command in seconds.</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string, commandTimeout: int) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param><param name='commandTimeout'>SQL command timeout. Maximum time for single SQL-command in seconds.</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string, transactionOptions: Transactions.TransactionOptions) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param><param name='transactionOptions'>TransactionOptions for the transaction created on SubmitChanges.</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
SqlDataProvider<...>.GetDataContext(connectionString: string, resolutionPath: string) : SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext
<summary>Returns an instance of the SQL Provider using the static parameters</summary><param name='connectionString'>The database runtime connection string</param><param name='resolutionPath'>The location to look for dynamically loaded assemblies containing database vendor specific connections and custom types. Types used in desing-time: If no better clue, prefer .NET Standard 2.0 versions. Semicolon to separate multiple.</param>
   (+0 other overloads)
val fetched: obj seq
val query: Linq.QueryBuilder
val t2: obj
custom operation: join var in collection on (outerKey = innerKey). Note that parentheses are required after 'on' Calls Linq.QueryBuilder.Join
val t1: obj
custom operation: where (bool) Calls Linq.QueryBuilder.Where
custom operation: select ('Result) Calls Linq.QueryBuilder.Select
Multiple items
module Seq from FSharp.Data.Sql

module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val executeQueryAsync: (Linq.IQueryable<'a> -> Task<'a seq>)
<summary> Execute SQLProvider query and release the OS thread while query is being executed. </summary>
val iter: action: ('T -> unit) -> source: 'T seq -> unit
val entity: obj
Multiple items
[<Struct>] type DateTime = new: date: DateOnly * time: TimeOnly -> unit + 16 overloads member Add: value: TimeSpan -> DateTime member AddDays: value: float -> DateTime member AddHours: value: float -> DateTime member AddMicroseconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddMilliseconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddMinutes: value: float -> DateTime member AddMonths: months: int -> DateTime member AddSeconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddTicks: value: int64 -> DateTime ...
<summary>Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.</summary>

DateTime ()
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(ticks: int64) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(date: DateOnly, time: TimeOnly) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(ticks: int64, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(date: DateOnly, time: TimeOnly, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, calendar: Globalization.Calendar) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int, calendar: Globalization.Calendar) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
property DateTime.UtcNow: DateTime with get
<summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
<returns>An object whose value is the current UTC date and time.</returns>
val box: value: 'T -> obj
SqlDataProvider<...>.dataContext.SubmitUpdatesAsync() : Task
<summary>Save changes to data-source. May throws errors: Use Async.Catch and to deal with non-saved items use GetUpdates() and ClearUpdates().</summary>
Transactions.TransactionScope.Complete() : unit
Multiple items
type Async = static member AsBeginEnd: computation: ('Arg -> Async<'T>) -> ('Arg * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * (IAsyncResult -> unit) static member AwaitEvent: event: IEvent<'Del,'T> * ?cancelAction: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> (requires delegate and 'Del :> Delegate) static member AwaitIAsyncResult: iar: IAsyncResult * ?millisecondsTimeout: int -> Async<bool> static member AwaitTask: task: Task<'T> -> Async<'T> + 1 overload static member AwaitWaitHandle: waitHandle: WaitHandle * ?millisecondsTimeout: int -> Async<bool> static member CancelDefaultToken: unit -> unit static member Catch: computation: Async<'T> -> Async<Choice<'T,exn>> static member Choice: computations: Async<'T option> seq -> Async<'T option> static member FromBeginEnd: beginAction: (AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * endAction: (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> + 3 overloads static member FromContinuations: callback: (('T -> unit) * (exn -> unit) * (OperationCanceledException -> unit) -> unit) -> Async<'T> ...

type Async<'T>
static member Async.StartAsTask: computation: Async<'T> * ?taskCreationOptions: TaskCreationOptions * ?cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken -> Task<'T>

Type something to start searching.