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ApiDocEntity Type

Represents a type definition integrated with its associated documentation


Constructor Description

ApiDocEntity(tdef, name, cat, catidx, exclude, urlBaseName, comment, assembly, attributes, cases, fields, statParams, ctors, inst, stat, allInterfaces, baseType, abbreviatedType, delegateSignature, symbol, nested, vals, exts, pats, rqa, location, substitutions)

Full Usage: ApiDocEntity(tdef, name, cat, catidx, exclude, urlBaseName, comment, assembly, attributes, cases, fields, statParams, ctors, inst, stat, allInterfaces, baseType, abbreviatedType, delegateSignature, symbol, nested, vals, exts, pats, rqa, location, substitutions)

Returns: ApiDocEntity
tdef : bool
name : string
cat : string
catidx : int
exclude : bool
urlBaseName : string
comment : ApiDocComment
assembly : AssemblyName
attributes : ApiDocAttribute list
cases : ApiDocMember list
fields : ApiDocMember list
statParams : ApiDocMember list
ctors : ApiDocMember list
inst : ApiDocMember list
stat : ApiDocMember list
allInterfaces : (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) list
baseType : (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) option
abbreviatedType : (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) option
delegateSignature : (FSharpDelegateSignature * ApiDocHtml) option
symbol : FSharpEntity
nested : ApiDocEntity list
vals : ApiDocMember list
exts : ApiDocMember list
pats : ApiDocMember list
rqa : bool
location : string option
substitutions : Substitutions
Returns: ApiDocEntity

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.AbbreviatedType

Returns: (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) option

If this is a type abbreviation, then the abbreviated type

Returns: (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) option


Full Usage: this.ActivePatterns

Returns: ApiDocMember list

Active patterns of the module

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.AllInterfaces

Returns: (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) list

All interfaces of the type, formatted

Returns: (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) list


Full Usage: this.AllMembers

Returns: ApiDocMember list

All members of the type

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.Assembly

Returns: AssemblyName

The name of the type's assembly

Returns: AssemblyName


Full Usage: this.Attributes

Returns: ApiDocAttribute list

The declared attributes of the type

Returns: ApiDocAttribute list


Full Usage: this.BaseType

Returns: (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) option

The base type of the type, formatted

Returns: (FSharpType * ApiDocHtml) option


Full Usage: this.Category

Returns: string

The category of the type

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.CategoryIndex

Returns: int

The category index of the type

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.Comment

Returns: ApiDocComment

The attached comment

Returns: ApiDocComment


Full Usage: this.Constructors

Returns: ApiDocMember list

The constuctorsof the type

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.DelegateSignature

Returns: (FSharpDelegateSignature * ApiDocHtml) option

If this is a delegate, then e formatted signature

Returns: (FSharpDelegateSignature * ApiDocHtml) option


Full Usage: this.Exclude

Returns: bool

The exclude flag

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.InstanceMembers

Returns: ApiDocMember list

The instance members of the type

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.IsObsolete

Returns: bool

Gets a value indicating whether this member is obsolete

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsTypeDefinition

Returns: bool

Indicates if the entity is a type definition

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Name

Returns: string

The name of the entity

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.NestedEntities

Returns: ApiDocEntity list

All nested modules and types

Returns: ApiDocEntity list


Full Usage: this.ObsoleteMessage

Returns: string

Returns the obsolete message, when this member is obsolete. When its not or no message was specified, an empty string is returned

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.OutputFile

    collectionName : string
    qualify : bool
    extension : string

Returns: string

The name of the file generated for this entity

collectionName : string
qualify : bool
extension : string
Returns: string


Full Usage: this.RecordFields

Returns: ApiDocMember list

The fields of a record type

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.RequiresQualifiedAccess

Returns: bool

Does the module have the RequiresQualifiedAccess attribute

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.SourceLocation

Returns: string option

The URL of the member's source location, if any

Returns: string option


Full Usage: this.StaticMembers

Returns: ApiDocMember list

The static members of the type

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.StaticParameters

Returns: ApiDocMember list

Static parameters

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.Substitutions

Returns: Substitutions

The substitution parameters active for generating thist content

Returns: Substitutions


Full Usage: this.Symbol

Returns: FSharpEntity

The F# compiler symbol for the type definition

Returns: FSharpEntity


Full Usage: this.TypeExtensions

Returns: ApiDocMember list

Type extensions of the module

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.UnionCases

Returns: ApiDocMember list

The cases of a union type

Returns: ApiDocMember list


Full Usage: this.Url

    root : string
    collectionName : string
    qualify : bool
    extension : string

Returns: string

The URL of the best link for the entity relative to "reference" directory (without the http://site.io/reference)

root : string
collectionName : string
qualify : bool
extension : string
Returns: string


Full Usage: this.UrlBaseName

Returns: string

The URL base name of the primary documentation for the entity (without the http://site.io/reference)

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.ValuesAndFuncs

Returns: ApiDocMember list

Values and functions of the module

Returns: ApiDocMember list

Static members

Static member Description

ApiDocEntity.GetUrl(urlBaseName, root, collectionName, qualify, extension)

Full Usage: ApiDocEntity.GetUrl(urlBaseName, root, collectionName, qualify, extension)

    urlBaseName : string
    root : string
    collectionName : string
    qualify : bool
    extension : string

Returns: string

Compute the URL of the best link for the entity relative to "reference" directory (without the http://site.io/reference)

urlBaseName : string
root : string
collectionName : string
qualify : bool
extension : string
Returns: string

Type something to start searching.